Desember 10, 2021

Ngaben ceremony in Ubud.

Ngaben a cremation ceremony in Bali Hindus, Indonesia.Acara Ngaben is a ritual performed to send the corpse to life should be mendatang.jenazah diletaka was asleep, and left eluarga must assume that these bodies are asleep, No tears , because the body is temporary and will not undergo reincarnation.
Peak ceremony is the burning village Ngaben structure (ox or temples made of wood and paper, along with jenazah.Api required to liberate the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation.
Ngaben not always done with the high caste members segera.Buat, it is reasonable to perform this ritual in 3 hari.Tapi for lower caste members of the body first and then buried in a group event for a village in the fuel.

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Desember 08, 2021

Dance Plate

Plate Dance is a dance originating from the Minangkabau of Sumatera west.Dance plate is one of the art of dance is still obliged to Minangkabau people of Negeri Sembilan Minangkabau descent.
Movement during the late planting makes harvesting labor, etc. The dance move like plate.Dance also symbolizes joy and gratitude of the farmers crops.
Dance dishes are quick movement of the dancers are driven by a holding plate placed Dancers.Dance hand finger accompanied by a plate called by Talempong and Salung.(ul"_")

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Desember 25, 2009

Ballet is the name of one dance technique. Ballet can be displayed alone or as part of an opera. Ballet technique much similar to a fencing technique, perhaps because they began to develop in the same period, and also because they require balance and movement techniques are similar.

History of ballet:

Ballet is rooted in meeting the Italian nobles during the enlightenment. Furthermore, ballet developed in the ballet de cour, which is a social dance performed with music, speeches, poetry, songs, scenery, and costumes by the French nobles. Ballet and then evolved as a separate art form in France during the reign of Louis XIV, who was passionate about dance and determined to improve the quality of the art of dance at that time. Early ballet form of a play in which the scenes were in the form of dance. Lully and then go into opera and ballet school founded to train professional dancers are related to the Académie Royale de Musique. In such schools, education system based on aristocratic manners. The 18th century was a period in which technical standards are developed be ballet. At this time the formation of ballet became a serious dramatic art and equivalent to the opera. Progress is due to the important work of Jean-Georges Noverre entitled Lettres sur la danse et les ballets (1760), which pioneered the development of ballet d'action in which the dancers are required to express the character and show the narrative story. Ballet music it self has changed rapidly during the period by the composer. Ballet began to decline after 1850 in most western countries other than Danish and Russian (thanks to masters such as August Bournonville, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa). Russian ballet studio, especially after World War II, many toured the world, so keep the ballet alive in the world and widely known by the general public.

Ballet pioneer in Indonesia

Anastasia Nanny Lubis

Farida Oetoyo

Maya Tamara

Tanneke Burki

Farida Feisol

Ade Rayanti

Yulianti Parani

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Desember 22, 2009

The History and Development of Mask Banjet

The art Mask Banjet has evolved over the period between the early twenty century to the present (year 1996) and also have experienced tidal conditions alternated.
Traditional arts, especially Banjet Mask, and other traditional arts are descendants of art, for example, mask pendul Asmu revealed to his son. Dasim mask down to reclaim his son, Ali mask is inherited from parents and the mask in Belendung Sapar. Furthermore basin is the main heir descendants Life Mask. If now the mask art crowd Banjet much, usually only a fraction of the original group as a group of Ali masks broke into three groups of party leaders Nyi Ijem mask Ijem (brother of Ali's brother), the mask is still a close family and entourage Askin Ali Ali Mask alone. Although the fragment is not large, but stands alone with the use of new players that are reinforced by the perpetrators of the core group.
From the facts above can be concluded that the figures covered the Banjet there in the early 20th century as many as seven groups of inherited and part of the previous generation might have been standing during the 19th century. KLARI addition, also has stood Banjet Mask arts groups in the Village Dewi Asmara Gokgik and arts groups in Banjet Mask KLARI Dayasari Warung Bambu village, while the leaders of arts groups defend Ali Banjet mask every name Asmara Power. Although this is not completely broken core players but they have been working together provide the power required in each group. Another effort is to train the players to finish the barn, both the children and Nayaganya doll.

As we know that art is the embodiment Mask Banjet community Creativity in the Performing Arts. Of course in our regional distribution will discuss Looking For consumer society. From the description above mentioned Banjet That's Mask Festival in his native Betawi Ronggeng based in Batavia (Jakarta) Developing Then add a new type of art that is beginning pentasan Ronggeng is connected dengail jokes and wearing masks lelakon which eventually called masks outside their distribution areas Banjet. Penyebaran mask named from its center lenong (Jakarta), especially to the western side of the Tangerang area, and slightly to the south and east regions of Bekasi, Karawang and Bogor Uatara (Cisalak). In addition, the arts also mask the Banjet Spreads to Subang, Purwakarta, and the Priangan. In these places Banjet adjust mask art with a sense of community, especially in style and language which in turn is a specialty sign (typical) for the growing arts and Flourishing in their respective regions. As an example mask Banjet Karachi, Karachi Ronggengnya Ronggeng style, singing and overall kawih use lelakon Sundanese Sundanese. In contrast to this growth in Bekasi with the overall kawih Sundanese language use pementasannya Bekasi (Jakarta language dialect). When we Observe further, the art of mask Banjet watched by many rural communities, whether a wedding, circumcision, or other kaulan event.

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Desember 21, 2009


Every time before the Lunar New Year holiday comes, the lion's face colorful calledas barongsai (sometimes also referred to as liongsai) always appear everywhere. Similarly, in Indonesia. Since the era of reform, dance barongsai also often used as the theme of Lunar New Year on television advertising.

Lion dance has a history of thousands of years. The first record of this dance can be traced to the Qin Dynasty around the third century BC. Community Tionghoa believe the lion is the symbol of happiness and pleasure. The lion dance is believed to be a show that can bring good luck, so generally held on a variety of important events such as opening a restaurant, the establishment pagoda, and of course New Year celebrations. Lion dance in general consist of two main types of the North lion and southern lion. Movement between the North and the Lions Southern Lions also different. When the famous South Lions head movements hard and bobbing along with the beat of gongs and drums, the North Lions movements tend to be more agile and dynamic because it has four legs.

One of the major movements of the dance Lion Dance is the movement takes lion envelope filled with cash.(ul)

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Desember 20, 2009

Mak Yong Performing Arts

Mak Yong performance art, is the responsibility of society and government Riau Islands. This art can be more popularized again with the pack in the form of drama popular show.

Like, the puppet show in the Javanese art became ketoprak dimodivikasi humor and other performing arts. Mak Yong, is like a puppet not a very popular and loved by the people of Java. Meanwhile, Mak Yong little known, even by the people of coastal Malays themselves.
Makyong traditional theater is the theatrical group because of the comprehensive containing elements of acting, singing, dance, opera, drama and comedy. This is a journey reportoar human life.

Mak Yong is always performed to the accompaniment of traditional instruments like fiddle, gong and drum, and the addition of violin, made the plot line for the show Makyong so close it seems as if no distance with life itself.
Mak Yong indeed have repeatedly introduced and popularized tried to stage the world. However, in the country, not as popular as Mak Yong UNFORGETABLE Humor or Puppet People who have often shown on television screens ..

Makyong first became known to Europeans in the area of Nara Yala Patani, in the XVII century. Then, spread to regional Makyong Kelantan, Malaysia. Of Kelantan, was Makyong Riau Islands to the entry of the Cape Kurau, Singapore.
In the Riau Islands, Makyong appearance on stage with masks, unlike in Malaysia that without the mask. Originally used masks made from banana leaves, then turn into clay, then replaced the paper, and the last with wood.

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Desember 19, 2009

Percussion Musical Instruments

Percussion is the name for all the techniques of musical instruments at the game in either by hand or stick. In this case some musical instruments belonging to the percussion instruments is, Gamelan, Arumba, Kendang, kolintang, drums, Talempong, tambourine, drum, etc. jimbe.

Gamelan is a musical instrument made of metal. Gamelan from Central Java, DI. Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java is also commonly referred to as Degung and in Bali (Balinese Gamelan). One device consists of gamelan instruments saron, demung, gongs, kenong, slenthem, bonang and several other instruments. Gamelan has pentatonic melodies / pentatonic.

Talempong is the art of Minangkabau traditional music / West Sumatra. Talempong is a diatonic instrument pitched (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do)

Kolintang or kulintang derived from Minahasa / North Sulawesi. Kolintang have diatonic scales / of all the diatonic instrument consists of bass, melodic and rhythmic. Basic ingredients for making kulintang is wood. The way to play this instrument by using a stick at.

Arumba (bamboo strains) came from West Java. Arumba is a musical instrument made of bamboo bhan on playing with melodic and rhythmic. At first arumba use pentatonic scales, but in its development using diatonic scales.
Kendang is a kind of percussion instrument that membrane derived from animal skin. Kendang or drum can be found in many parts of Indonesia. At the west Java have peraanan important drum in Jaipong dance. In Central Java, Bali, Yogyakarta, East Java drums used in the game is always good to accompany the gamelan, dance, puppets, ketoprak. Tifa is a kind of percussion instrument that can be encountered in the area of Papua, Maluku and Nias. Drum is a drum type bervariasai size of a small to large. Tambourine is a common instrument in use in Islamic art-smelling. Tambourine can be met almost in parts of Indonesia.

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