Ballet is the name of one dance technique. Ballet can be displayed alone or as part of an opera. Ballet technique much similar to a fencing technique, perhaps because they began to develop in the same period, and also because they require balance and movement techniques are similar.
History of ballet:
Ballet is rooted in meeting the Italian nobles during the enlightenment. Furthermore, ballet developed in the ballet de cour, which is a social dance performed with music, speeches, poetry, songs, scenery, and costumes by the French nobles. Ballet and then evolved as a separate art form in France during the reign of Louis XIV, who was passionate about dance and determined to improve the quality of the art of dance at that time. Early ballet form of a play in which the scenes were in the form of dance. Lully and then go into opera and ballet school founded to train professional dancers are related to the Académie Royale de Musique. In such schools, education system based on aristocratic manners. The 18th century was a period in which technical standards are developed be ballet. At this time the formation of ballet became a serious dramatic art and equivalent to the opera. Progress is due to the important work of Jean-Georges Noverre entitled Lettres sur la danse et les ballets (1760), which pioneered the development of ballet d'action in which the dancers are required to express the character and show the narrative story. Ballet music it self has changed rapidly during the period by the composer. Ballet began to decline after 1850 in most western countries other than Danish and Russian (thanks to masters such as August Bournonville, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa). Russian ballet studio, especially after World War II, many toured the world, so keep the ballet alive in the world and widely known by the general public.
Ballet pioneer in Indonesia
Anastasia Nanny Lubis
Farida Oetoyo
Maya Tamara
Tanneke Burki
Farida Feisol
Ade Rayanti
Yulianti Parani
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