Lots of ways to celebrate Idul Adha holiday, for example, is the habit of people Mandaluko hamlet, village Tamansuruh, Glagah district, Banyuwangi.
They celebrate this great day to mop up the village or rather is unlucky to throw them to the farthest village from bad luck.The activity remove this by playing pencak silat with using various weapons such as knives, swords, etc. This martial art is done by the gamelan sound accompanied keras.Before enough to do martial art, they held first reading of a prayer for safety and which are done at the mosque with cone had enjoyed in earlier provided.
All of the activities they do in the trust can drive and get rid of bad things that can harm these people have trusted since tens of years ago. (Hun =,)
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November 29, 2009
Throwing Shit Activities
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Fact in the world
10:24:00 AM
November 23, 2009
Nando Back Champion Dresscode
Little Astronaut powder, making Attendance exasperation
The last day the largest youth convention, Axis DetEksi-Con 2k9, yesterday (22 / 11) is also a day of championship competition determination Dresscode Where Do We Go from Here for convention visitors.
Dresscode nine winners from the opening day convention last Friday (13/11) to compete in the final round at the main stage Pakuwon Supermal SSCC Indah (SPI) yesterday. They were fighting over the main prize, the cash Rp 1 million.
Degree Best Dresscode eventually won by Fernando back Rui Costa from SDN Wonorejo I Surabaya. Last year Nando who was then 5-year-old winner Best dressed in the style of Dresscode Buto Ijo. Nando success this year thanks to the action became champions little astronaut.
Nando yesterday wearing a space suit (costumes astronaut) silver complete with backpack similar color. Cute boy was also carrying two flags Det-Con as an accessory.
In the final round, Nando successfully capture the attention of visitors in the area of the convention. A plain style and expression that makes the audience fiercely cool. When asked to style on stage, pose a direct Nando like astronauts who just got off the plane. He took off his sunglasses, then the flag-Con Det her hand.
Action innocent Nando make the visitors who watched the cute tertawa.Gaya astronauts were able to beat two other finalists, namely Dio "Michael Jackson" Narendra from SMAN 1 Sidoarjo and Naomi Levina from high school Faby St. Louis 1 Surabaya who wore wedding dress.
Having declared victory again, Nando happy. 6-year-old boy was immediately demanded to buy toys from the gift he got. ( lub ;) .
Posted by
Fact in the world
6:41:00 PM
November 21, 2009
SMP 6 Surabaya Maintaining His title
Contest for students pop group pop groups SMP Deteksi of competition, yesterday afternoon with a victory ends SMP 6 surabaya, four finalists have been inserted by SMP 6 Surabaya, the SMP Petra 5 Surabaya, SMP Santa Clara Surabaya, Surabaya SMP Santo Caloluas, and SMP Santa Maria Surabaya .
Degree pop group is the second for the junior
Surabaya.year Yesterday, the pop group Kompetition held by the deteksi of the first, SMP 6 Surabaya became Degree pop group is the second for the junior
Surabaya.Tahun Yesterday, the pop group Kompetition held by the detection of the first, junior 6 Surabaya became .Degree pop group is the second for the junior
Surabaya.Tahun Yesterday, the pop group Kompetition held by the detection of the first, junior 6 Surabaya became winner.
The jury acknowledged that the team of junior Nili 6 Surabaya have more of a split beat other teams.
In the final yesterday, the pop group SMP team Surabaya bring Three 6 songs, Cintaku is owned by Chisye, popularized Jablay Titi Kamal, and "Dancing Queen ABBA. Continue Owned earlier tradition, SMP 6 Surabaya consistently carry a complete display, ranging vocal quality, eye Costumes catching, and cheerful choreography.
Champion Junior 2 achieved by Petra 5 Surabaya, followed by Santa Clara junior Surabaya in Surabaya Petra ketiga.SMP order also named as the most favorite version of the pop group sms.
Team pop group Junior 6 Surabaya will be returned to the show on the day will enliven final ini.They Red-a Detection Model Competition in the Ballroom Supermall 2k9 Pakuwon Indah.(ul"_")
Posted by
Fact in the world
3:06:00 PM
Schedule of Events in Deteksi
Schedule of events on Saturday, November 21,
Final Red-A detection Model Competition
Schedule of events on Saturday with Guest star:
Maliq & D'Essentials
Schedule of events on Saturday with Host:
Indra Bekti &
Nycta Gyna
Schedule of Events on Sunday, November 22
Winners of madding 2D/3D, motion madding, Mading axis On-the-Spot, League Deteksi custom shoes.
Competition, award-another award, as well as the highest degree, best Scholl.
For those of you who have mading lover dating in supermall PTC Surabaya.
Must come ya.kalau would not come guaranteed loss.(ul "_")
Posted by
Fact in the world
2:53:00 PM
Labels: Mading schedule
November 19, 2009
Come Rain Flooding Comes
Why the floods may come ? This is a phrase that is often in the cast by the public when the rainy season has come.For people who live in flooded areas, they would feel scared, anxious and confused to save their belongings when the flood came.When we look at the core of the problem why the flood can always come when heavy rain was probably a natural thing, but it could flood if the community can be prevented to preserve the environment by not throwing litter into the gutters, rivers or other places.But can we now see people who do wrong, but when the floods came they asked for the responsibility by government.Very unfair behavior patterns of today's society.
Government had tried hard to address the flooding problem, but society will not self-aware of their mistakes.That the government will do useless if people still did not keep their environment .society should be more to love their environment in order not to feel the impact of this.<But people just do not rely on the government's own attempt first.
Other than that the biggest causes of flooding in the emergence of large cities is deforestation in the upstream river,the loss of areas of water absorption,refinement watershed,Hamper the flow of the river by the waste, rising sea levels.
Effort that must be done to overcome the flood is
1.The system providest the trenches, that have been shallow because of the shabby materials, s0 must be cleaned. With the abundance of water and rain can be streamed by both.
2.River Deepening Project,most flood events are not applicable because the river within. If the first stream of water can drain a lot of time in something, now has been reduced flux. This caused the precipitation process and disposal of waste materials.Steps to address this problem is to run the river with the deepening process of picking all the mud and impurities contained in the stream. If the process is done, the river is not be able to flow in, but the amount of water with lots of rain.
3.Keeping Forests, logging activities in the river caused soil erosion and falling into a river. The same situation applies if the illegal activity is often conducted in forest maintenance hill.By slope is a good way to deal with flooding. Forest areas should be able to absorb rain water reservoir rather than walking on the earth.
4.Supervise the activities of Man, flooding caused by sewage and industrial waste into rivers and ditches. to deal with this problem, there must be public awareness. Agency specific institutions should also be responsible for keeping the river clean and not used as a garbage disposal. flooding is a disaster that can not be underestimated, especially when the rain is heavy. It have to attempt to overcome the flood. Humans also need to be alert to this incident.
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Fact in the world
5:08:00 PM
November 16, 2009
Goitre Eceng Can Make Money
So far as we know water hyacinth is one of many water plants growing in watery places, such as rivers, lakes, swamps and so forth. Therefore, water hyacinth plant is referred to as water weeds.
Plant growth is very fast, so if the plant is the annihilation of this one will not work. In a relatively short time hyacinth will reappear. We can utilize the advantages of this plant as a new business field. In addition to helping clean the weeds, we also get money without so much trouble that way.
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Fact in the world
7:54:00 PM
How Often a Disaster ?
In recent years, Indonesia had been rocked by natural disasters around the country almost, from the tsunami, floods, landslides, earthquakes, mountain erupted, and many more. Various theories proposed to be the cause of the birth of such disasters, ranging from deforestation, misuse of land, to global warming
Many people said this was an old world.but not all of these disasters occurred on the human behavior and their own mistakes like acting as he pleases regardless of anything else.EVERY PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE TO CORRECT HIMSELF.not just blame the state!accept the situation, improve ourselves and our behavior patterns of trying to learn what had happened.
Who is planting the seed, any seed that, one day we will reap the results.Is it now time to plant "seeds" or already reaping "results", or we stop doing both!Start from dir itself, start from small things and start now.If we can not change others, change ourselves.Critical if we are not able to change ourselves!
Now time to share love, sympathize they also lost a pot of rice side dishes and makes solace in sorrow as they are happening, our brother too famine everywhere, need groceries and general kitchen is also the founding medical assistance. (hun = , )
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Fact in the world
7:38:00 PM
November 14, 2009
Haunted Ship
Ride a ship was very exciting because we can be looking at the beautiful blue ocean.But,if we board these ships will feel very different.Because in the ship not only humans, but. . . there are other creatures. . . scary!
Queen mary
As the name implies this ship is the cruise ship.But, when the world war 2 is going to change the function of the ship becomes a duty warship carrying troops from New Zealand and Australia to England.Unfortunately, in one mission, queen mary ship HMS hit Curacoa and killed about 338 humans.Since Queen mary event in the purchase by the city of Long Beach, California in 1967 and made a hotels.But, hotel guests often wear a bathing suit in 1950 are jumping into the pool when the swimming pool It was empty because it was in clean.Many also frequently seen in white women in the area of the hotel front desk. . !
Ourang Medan
Not long after the 2nd world war, many ships that responded to the SOS distress signal is one long Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan.Sign danger that reads "The entire crew including the captain dead" and there is one last message that "I die" Rescuers were rushed and managed to find the field's Ourang wandered blindly at the Indonesia.When waters found, the entire crew had died with the horribly.Throughout their teeth broken and their faces facing upwards with an expression of fear .Until now the mystery ship was not in the know what the cause.Because moment rescue teams left the ship, suddenly there were explosions and ourang ship sinking fast.
SS Watertown
This tanker was sailing from canal Panama to New York in December 1924, when an accident on the ship that killed the crew 2 James Courtney and Michael Meehan.When to 2 crew members were cleaning the cargo tanks and their breathing gas fumes killed.As toxic and they do not want to part with this boat they were often seen on the ship.Proof is one person who managed to capture with the camera and looks clearly visible in the 2 men who make sure they are.
SS Great Britain
Reportedly, this one ship is inhabited by many other creatures that appeared himself.
Posted by
Fact in the world
6:34:00 PM
November 13, 2009
Business Easy With The Giro
The progress of modern technology make life more human. Included in the case of financial transactions to support business activities. Armed with the latest technological devices, the banks are racing to bring innovative services, so that business transactions for customers, both corporate and individual, can be done with more profitable, easy, safe and comfortable.
One of the products supporting business activities are current accounts that can be opened in a variety of currencies. With the support of information technology mutakir, checking not only serve as storage products and means of payment of funds for various types of transactions, but also become a tool that allows management of the velocity of money and corporate cash flow.
Giro is the collection of funds Suta banking products aimed at the business. Through checks and bilyet giro, customers get the ease and flexibility in conducting various types of payment transactions. When the payment can be arranged according to due date, and can be easily cashed in all branches of the bank concerned.
In the process, checking not only serves as a storage place funds will be used for payment transactions. Various features can be used like payroll service for payment of employee salaries. With this service the company's finances or directly handed enough to upload the payroll data to the bank and the bank's network will automatically transfer the salary from the company checking account to the account of each employee nasing.
Not only for the payment of employee salaries, transfer or automatic payments to various accounts can also be done from a checking account. Among them for the payment of electricity bills, telephone, water and so forth. The entire transaction can be monitored through a checking account that is sent each month. In addition customers can access via various electronic banking channels are online real time, so customers can monitor their business activities without having to come to the bank. Individual current accounts for customers, banks also provide ATM card that also functions as a debit card to make it easier for various types of other transactions.
In addition, by opening current accounts, customers are also likely to gain a variety of prizes. More and more funds placed in a checking account, the greater the opportunity to obtain various types of gifts. Please try. (lub.)
Posted by
Fact in the world
6:03:00 PM
Rare Animals Ranking
Actually, in this world there are upon thousands of animal.But, due to human actions that often come after them, even this animals decreased in number, even at say nearly extinct.Even,according to the Red Data List of the IUCN issued, the level of nature protection agencies world, there are some animals that went extinct in the category in the wild.This rare animal should be maintained in institutions such as the protection of protected forest animal or the zoo in order to survive. below are some animals that have rare predicate :
* Pinta island tortoise,won this rarest animals live only 1 in the world! turtles huge long-necked turtles remaining named Lonesome George.George discovered by a biological Valvolgyi Joseph begged the island, in 1971.Many Ecuador expedition undertaken for george friends but none find.In july 2008 george 80-year-old finally success marries female turtles and tortoises telur.But, unfortunately it failed egg to egg to born.So,we do not eat turtle eggs because we do not eat the same thing we save endangered animals in the world to not extinct.
* Hawaiian crow alala original name was extinct since 2002, it is because the destruction of the forests where they live due to their illegal logging.Now,remaining amount of about 40 to 50 tails only and can be seen in 2 birds sanctuary in Hawaii.
* Iberian lynx, a cat is beautiful Spanish origin, including one species of wild cats of the most endangered great extinct.Those fur who made them increasingly on the hunt for a fabric or preserved as collection.Impact only the tail remaining approximately 150 lynx in the world.
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Fact in the world
5:50:00 PM
November 12, 2009
Film 2012
Recently made curious community with the advent of the movie "2012" which tells about the prediction of Resurrection which occurred in 2012.
This film is based on Maya prophecy. Maya prediction Inca Indians of Peru about Christ the Redeemer that stands firmly in Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil, went to pieces. Berbola meteor shower one after another fire in the great earthquake that shook no less thrilling, the church of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, collapsed. Even the USS John F Kennedy shook helplessly in the storm and eventually sunk.
The film is in Sutradarai Rolan Emmerich, this much public attention because it invites the public curious about the story. Not a few comments and responses are given to this film.
Society assumes Hour unpredictable and unpredictable because who knows when the Hour is God Almighty.
But with the film community can take a lesson, like the audience becomes aware, and many who repent if doom can happen at any time.(ophie=)
Posted by
Fact in the world
8:22:00 PM
November 10, 2009
My earth is vibrated
It makes thrilling and scary . Watch out the earthquakes!
So busy doing something suddenly we felt a foothold move. Our bodies swaying. Objects hanging swinging faster and faster. Well it's the earthquake.
Why does the earthquakes happen? We know an earthquake consists of 2 types, namely tectonic and volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquake occurs when plates move on the earth's surface following the movements of the earth's core and the hot liquid. While volcanic earthquake is an earthquake that occurred since the outbreak of active volcanoes.
We should thank the inventor Charles Richter is a seismograph instruments that can measur e the power of the earthquake. This calculation is (skala richter) :
1 - 3,9 = The vibration has felt although it's not yet begun to damage
4 - 5.9 = The light, glass, and others are not fixed location will vibrate and silent rustle, not a strong building will collapse.
6 - 7 = The damage can occur around 160 km from the epicenter
8 - 8, 9 = It has damage power very high
9 = It happens once the 18 years but it can destroy an area without leaving any building
So far, there are tools that inibelum predict with certainty the coming of a quake. That's why earthquakes often take many lives. When an earthquake occurs, it is advisable not to panic. Our salvation depends of our alertness. This survival guide during the earthquake :
1. Immediately out of the building and look for the plain
2. If not possible refuge under a sturdy table
3. Avoid items fragile
4. if you was in the elevator, do not scream hysterically, because panic can use all of oxygen there
5. stop the vehicles
6. immediately turn off the electricity to avoid the earthquake
Posted by
Fact in the world
1:14:00 AM
Labels: information
November 09, 2009
Although only a breeze, but the tornado was not the wind ordinary.Because,can bring only disaster which destroyed the building.Not sturdy building,making landslides, even throwing the plane !
Actually,this was the kind of wind storm, accompanied by cumulonimbus clouds.The cause is (cb) which was tall formed.Cloud looming because the dry season is old.There some signs that can be recognized if this will datang.Before wind, the water temperature in a very hot night and the next day before a white sky suddenly became dark and the black clouds.after that in heavy rain accompanied by thunder, fog and wind gusts of cold wind.More harder time and the wind sounded echoed.Indicate winds come like the roll giant forming .Velocity can reach more than 120 miles per hour.
One example is in Oklahoma and Kansas.When, whirlwind attack with a vicious, speed up to 400 kilometers per hour, in Bangladesh that caused 10 thousand people lost their homes and killed 66 people, the Philippine 28 people have lost their homes.
For people living in mountain slopes, flood plains, or near the coast, should be vigilant! because of the storm often appears in the region.
(Hun =,)
Posted by
Fact in the world
6:04:00 PM
Dengue Fever Danger
Entering the month ending in "ber" as September, October, November and December.Dengue disease will come because the month this month already entered the rainy season and the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopuctus female prey.Ready to seek the heart of our neighborhood if there are disease that is very dangerous and can kill this, because we will also be easy to get!
Currently dengue virus is the cause of this disease mutates to maintain the support live.In also by the extreme weather changes that made the birth of a new type of virus induced not to mention drugs or chemicals that trigger the occurrence of evolution that has occurred for about 200 years.
Some said if we have this disease then we would be immune to this disease because the body has formed this antibody.A fact is true, but only on dengue virus type 1 is not on other types.
There are reasons why the disease is called dengue fever because the symptoms are a fever and if it has reached a certain stage the patient may experience bleeding.
here are 3 levels of fever in this disease:
* dengue fever, viral fever started early when in action, some just disappear and others continue.
* dengue hemorrhagic fever is a fever with serious complications and can be life-threatening.
* dengue shock syndrome is the patient's bleeding so that blood circulation failure and shock.
Given the dangers we should do to eradicate mosquito-breeding marshes with bathtub drain, close the water reservoir, buried secondhand.And let us invite the closest people to do the same thing. (Hun =,)
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Posted by
Fact in the world
5:47:00 PM
100 Day Program Cabinet
It seems this time the government tried not to get too realistic high fell.program first 100 days of work, especially the economic field.
How the program can be obtain early barometer indikato and cabinet.but performance when viewed, most of it seemed too progar not new problems related to old and until now has not got a way out or progress.
In the field of economy, except defense industrial revitalization, the eight other priority programs that include electricity, food production and reliability; revitalize fertilizer plants; correction gan spatial place.all function in a long list of inventory problems.
Seeing so much issues and view the Government to take a swing at the issue during reduce previous cabinet, maybe we do not expect too much usually will be a big changes in day.More with 100 ministers is most new officials that may required learning and recognition period.
There may be solid signal that the current cabinet will be can effective and serious work in running programs and reduce the priority that is tangled in 100 days.
Here we profesionalisme and creativity required of all policies and cabinet minister staff.especially amid global conditions and also in the country that are less conducive to fight ini.Good exam and good luck.(ul)
Posted by
Fact in the world
4:07:00 PM
Labels: opinion
SNMPTN abolished
National Exam must be addressed once
minister of national education Mohammad Nuh, delivered 100 programs Minister of National Education Day, a national examination peolemik problems (UN) will never finish.Always there are pros and cons of each year. To ensure the test results nasiolan (UN) could be a material assessment college entrance exam tunggi country (PTN), Council of State Universities Rector of Indonesia will be actively involved from the start drafting questions, to evaluate the implementation of monitoring UN / presence of PTN in principle participate complement the UN process that there is no deceitfulness.Indirect If the UN can be trusted most likely selection Nasiional Sign Pergururn High School (SNMPTN) deleted the year will not be lost 2012.SNMPTN directly but gradually disappeared. First fix should government hopes implementation UN UN 2010 results, especially high school, can believe it.If reliable for there is no reason to wait until 2012. To achieve that tarteg, Rector PTN in all indonesian will oversee the vulnerable points of fraud, such as printing until distribution question.,instead the Rector will help teachers make the UN matters.(ul) | |
Posted by
Fact in the world
3:54:00 PM
Labels: information
November 08, 2009
Scientists from the U.S. agriculture department revealed that the watermelon is a source of sugar that can be very good at stilasi into alcohol for fuel or fuel farm machinery. The use of watermelon into alternative energy sources can also help farmers in the United States watermelon, because almost 360 thousand tons of watermelons each year do not meet the standards assessed for the consumption of fruit. With this alternative energy production, then the watermelon is not at least meet the standards can be useful. According to Drs. Wayne Fish Head of Research, 50 percent of its watermelons can be fermented into fuel high value. Glucose contained in the watermelon in if the ethanol, as fuel (blofeul) Utilization believed watermelon could be better than the use of algae as a source of ethanol is that the technology alasanya glucose into ethanol pemroresan much simpler than the use of algae technology to ethanol. The more simple the technology means lower production costs.
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Posted by
Fact in the world
7:29:00 PM
Incheon Incheon International Airport (Seoul, South Korea) is named 2009 world’s Best Airport in the world Airport Awards announced bu Skytrax.
The worl Airport Airport Awards are based on the results from 8,6 milion questionnaires complete by airline passengers in 2008-2009, covering more than 190 Airports worldwide. The survey evaluates traveller experiences across 39 different airport services and product factors fom check-in ,rrivals, transfer through to departure at the gate. The worldwide survey interviews for the 2009 Awards totalled 8,640,552 with over 97 different passenger nationalites participating.
Internasional Airport will strive to provide an laut standing safety, convenience and service excellence with elegan kultural fouches for our airport customers. In addition, as an airport ben chmarked by airports around the world.
Posted by
Fact in the world
7:09:00 PM
November 07, 2009
The Students criticized the quarrel among KPK with Policy
In Bandar Lampung, dozens of students from the Executive Board of Universitas Lampung Students held protests around the traditional monument Bandar Lampung. They claimed the actions and statements from the police to make people more confident with the assumption in the process of criminalization scenario detention led off the Commission, Bibit Samad Rianto and Chandra M. Hamzah. In action students take action to shut up and divide the black ribbon to the road users. This is a symbol of the death of justice and democracy.
While in Palu, Central Sulawesi, dozens of students to demonstrate the criminalization of the Commission condemned the action and urged the Police Headquarters Anggodo Widjojo set as a suspect. Could occur between students jostling with the police, but the situation eased after a student vote in berorasi front gate of Central Sulawesi Police Office. Learn refer to the following video.
Posted by
Fact in the world
7:31:00 AM
A police observers see the indication for dropped or impeachment of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) by using case hostilities between The Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi/KPK) to the ranks of the Police.
"In the end from the various activities that are discredited President Yudhoyono," said police observer Dr. John Palinggi to ANTARA on Friday when asked to comment on the case between the Commission, particularly the National Police Chief General Porli Bambang Hendarso Danuri and Commissioner Criminal Investigation Body General Susno Duadji.
Constitutional Court (MK) on Tuesday (3 / 11) in his office and making the results of wiretaps of talking wiyh Anggodo Commission technocrats with various people including police officers and prosecutors.
Anggoro is younger's Anggodo technocrats is that a procurement corruption suspects in the case of integrated radio communications for the Department of Forestry.
John Palinggi long had close contact with police officials and the Armed Forces who now renamed tekah berubahan Army, said several community leaders to President Yudhoyono wants to intervene or "entry" into the case between the CCA with the police ..
"When it SBY into the jurisdiction in the case of the Police Commission, then these figures will be charged that SBY has to intervene or" go "to the jurisdiction that is not the authority, so they have a reason to do" impeachment "(impeachment, red)," he said.
These observers argue that these leaders generally feel disappointed because they lost the pemiihan members of DPR, DPD and DPRD and the presidential election held in 2009. Yudhoyono has won the election with the absolute least 60 percent of votes won.
Then, he mentioned some names of politicians and community leaders are trying to take advantage of the release pressure off the Commission Vice Chairman Chandra Hamzah and Seed Samad Rianto of police detention, SBY to drop from that position.
"Target of"
When asked about the requirement that National Police chief and head of Criminal Investigation Body retired from office, so John said the suit is just a "target or targets of" because the end goal is to keep dropping SBY from his tenure in 2009-2014.
"" The demand for Bambang Hendarso Danuri and Susno Duadji to resign was a target of, "said John Palinggi often asked to teach at the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas).
He said that if President Yudhoyono accustomed to intervene then surely Aulia Pohan, who became president of besan will not be arrested. Aulia Pohan is a former deputy governor of Bank Indonesia.
Because of that, John Palinggi ask the whole society to give opportunity for law enforcement, especially the police to solve the problem Anggodo well.
"Give a chance to police to conduct investigation to this issue thoroughly," he said.
If on the one hand, observers are asking the community to provide the opportunity for police to deal with this problem by the rules, then on the other hand, he urged police to conduct investigation as possible so as not to be in a hurry ..
"In doing the investigation, police do not act in haste (haste-buriu, ed)," said John Palinggi.
He said if the case finally reached the courts, the public can finally conclusions about who was right and who's wrong.
John Pallinggi which is also the Chairman of the Governing Body of the Association of Central Procurement of Goods and Partners Distributor Indonesia (Ardin) also mentions the screening results of wiretapping by the Commission was able to demonstrate to the public about the performance of various institutions or government agencies.
"Positive results from screening or diperdengarkannya intercepts were able to uncover a crime in various government agencies," he said.
Posted by
Fact in the world
7:02:00 AM
This is th first time to posting in this blog.
I don't know what I will write.
This blog is tags of IT lesson.
Posted by
Fact in the world
3:52:00 AM

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- How Often a Disaster ?
- Haunted Ship
- Business Easy With The Giro
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- My earth is vibrated
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- Dengue Fever Danger
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