November 08, 2009

Healthier than a watermelon for a watermelon in consumption turns out to have a high sugar content that can be converted into fuel. On the basis of these considerations the agricultural department of the United States, reportedly are developing alternative fuel derived from watermelons.

Scientists from the U.S. agriculture department revealed that the watermelon is a source of sugar that can be very good at stilasi into alcohol for fuel or fuel farm machinery. The use of watermelon into alternative energy sources can also help farmers in the United States watermelon, because almost 360 thousand tons of watermelons each year do not meet the standards assessed for the consumption of fruit. With this alternative energy production, then the watermelon is not at least meet the standards can be useful. According to Drs. Wayne Fish Head of Research, 50 percent of its watermelons can be fermented into fuel high value. Glucose contained in the watermelon in if the ethanol, as fuel (blofeul) Utilization believed watermelon could be better than the use of algae as a source of ethanol is that the technology alasanya glucose into ethanol pemroresan much simpler than the use of algae technology to ethanol. The more simple the technology means lower production costs.


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