Desember 08, 2009

Dayak Tribe

Dayak tribes arguably one of the largest tribes in Indonesia. They inhabit almost the entire island of Borneo (the largest island in Indonesia). Especially in the mountains or inland. While the entire coast / beach, quiet Banjar, Kutai, Malays and migrants from Bugis, Makassar, Java, Madura, Toraja, Batak even.

The definition of the Dayak word until now people still disagree. There was a call comes from the word 'power', which means the Kenyah language or inland river upstream. But there is also-especially outside the Dayak people in the last century, the mean head hunters or hunters. This is possibly due to their past tradition of inter-tribal war-like, with decapitating his enemies as a symbol of conquest as well as 'friends' (for them, the head of the enemy who was beheaded can be also interpreted as a friend, because in addition to protecting them from evil roh2 , also can bring fortune or fortune).

Habit cut buffalo to honor the ancestors, especially in the removal of the bones of ancestors who had them put in peti2 die, and not buried. This habit is the resemblance to a buffalo cutting ceremony in Toraja, South Sulawesi, although with another procession.

Is truly a unique tribe,in the modern era has yet implement the customs of the ancestors.


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